This is for Michelle

You can find Michelle here.

So a couple of years ago when Pirates came out, our Barnes & Noble had these lifesize cutouts of Jack Sparrow in the stores. My hubby immediately tried to determine how to get at least one. Unbeknownst to me. So one day he walks in downstairs and says "Hey, someone is here to see you!" When I came downstairs I saw this!

With a rose taped to his mouth! So sweet of my hubby no! Well little did I know he called several stores to snag thes life size guys and we have 2! So my Johnny above is in my office behind my chair and the guy below is on the landing on the up the stairs so everyone has to look at him up and down the stairs! Yeah me!

More fun stuff later. I"m off for the night.


n8tvtexan said...

OH WOW! OH WOW!!!!!!! Lucky lucky Debby!!!!!! What a sweet hubby too. I'm watching Pirates 2 now. Well, actually its on in the background as I surf blogs real quick & before I start working on more cards. lol

Michelle Quinno said...

That is too funny! I had a lifesize Bobbie Sherman when I was young (I know, I'm dating myself). My mom got it from the grocery store mgr. who had a crush on her! LOL

Viv said...

You greedy girl..not one but two????? LOL

Hulachickabella said...

You get cooler and cooler every time I visit your site! =)

Mel =)

Anne said...

Two Cap'n Jack Sparrows - now that's just greedy girl, hand one over LOL!

I have a PoC calender in my office - from last year - pages only got turned quarterly as the other pages were rather a let down...

My Stuff