
Special Coupon Code expires TOMORROW!

This is just a quick note to remind you that the special 20% off coupon expires tomorrow (9/15) when you purchase all three new releases: The Outpost, Generation Redux, and Old Grist Mill.Coupon code: September2009

"Thanks for all the wonderful feedback on our newest stamps. October will be a fun month for Artistic Outpost. It's our birthday, and we'll be celebrating...stay tuned."


Maria Matter said...

beautiful Debby! lovin' the colors and background here....and of course the awesome image too!
blessings, Maria

Anonymous said...

Stunning as always!

Holly Young said...

wow Debby, this card is definitely a winner! I love that background, and I like the hardware too. Gotta ask though, did you just slap it on there or did you think about which number you wanted it to point to? And if you thought about it, why did you decide on number 10?

Anne said...

Wow fantastic card, this image looks like a winner for masculine cards :)

My Stuff